Right before Christmas on the 20th of December 2023, an online start-up meeting was held for the MORE project. The project proposes the creation of a new robust methodology with improved tools for material selection and validation to harmonize testing procedures capable of generating the next generation of materials for Offshore Renewable Energy devices. This project will contribute to more resilient marine materials to overcome the present energy and environmental challenges.
This will be achived by considering tribocorrosion (wear accelerated by corrosion) and multi-degradation (tribocorrosion accelerated by fatigue) in a field highly affected by these degradation mechanisms. This is a brand new material selection methodology for the renewable energy sector compared to the current incomplete conventional material selection and validation processes (DNV guidelines). This project will allow the offshore renewable energy sector to reach their milestones in a more resilient way giving it an edge against its current fossil fuel competitors like the Oil and Gas sector.
The project partners include experts from Norway, Denmark, Italy, and Sweden, and the project duration is until the end of 2026.
This research project is funded by CETPartnership, the European Partnership under Joint Call 2022 for research proposals, co-funded by the European Commission (GA N°101069750) and with the national funding organisations: Swedish Energy Agency, the reserach counsil of Norway, Innovation fund Denmark, and Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca.